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HO Giant Raceway Slot Car Set (AFX22020)

HO Giant Raceway Slot Car Set (AFX22020)

The biggest, baddest set on the planet creates an amazing amount of action into only 4"² x 8"² of floor space! With more track pieces, more track length, more levels, more banks, criss-cross tracks, and squeeze tracks, there just isn't another track like it.

The easiest slot car system to learn on and drive at the limit features the lowest, lightest, best-handling chassis anywhere. Made up of the new Mega G+ Chassis, upgraded AFX120 Controllers, and an exclusive Tri-Power Pack, the Mega G+ Race System achieves the perfect balance of grip and speed.

Adjustable power levels allow all drivers, regardless of skill, to get the most out of their race. Changing levels is as simple as flipping a switch. At full throttle through every turn, beginners can expect to stay on track about 95% of the time at 8 volts, while intermediates can stay on track about 60% of the time at 12 volts, and experts are on their own at 22 volts.

This new Mega G+ chassis doesn't just go faster or handle better than the competition. It features the ultra-low, narrow dimensions of the original Mega G to maintain its reputation as the most realistic HO cars on earth. It is smoother, more consistent, and more intuitive than any car ever built.

Regular price $279.99
Regular price $279.99 Sale price $279.99
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