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Revell/Monogram (RMX)


1/72 Pt-109 Torpedo Boat Jfk (RMX850319)

1/72 Pt-109 Torpedo Boat Jfk (RMX850319)

On the morning of December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was quiet and sunny. The Arizona, just back from Fleet maneuvers, was tied up in "Battleship Row" along Ford Island. Most of the crew was at breakfast. Gunfire and the sound of bombs broke the quiet, and rushing to the deck, the sailors met a full attack underway. In a frightening, terrible instant, the Arizona took a torpedo in her port side, a large bomb "amidships", and an armor piercing bomb in the forecastle. Eleven-hundred seamen lost their lives. As a remembrance to the men of the Arizona, a simple memorial and flagpole were erected over the ship.

Regular price $37.95
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